Tennis Elbow Surgical Treatment

Fortunately tennis elbow surgical treatment is not often needed. Tennis elbow symptoms usually can be treated nonoperatively. However, when nonsurgical treatment fails, tennis elbow surgical treatment will be required to provide relief. As mentioned in a prior post,...

Myofascial Shoulder Strains

Myofascial shoulder strains are prevalent. They are probably among the most common causes of shoulder pain, and I bet unless you have had one, you’ve never heard of them.  “Myo” refers to muscle. Fascia is the thick Gore-Tex-like covering of many...

Bone Loss In Shoulder Instability

Bone Loss In Shoulder Instability… I have previously written about shoulder instability. At that time, I briefly mentioned that episodes of shoulder instability could cause injuries to the major bones of the shoulder. I want to delve into this topic a little deeper....

COVID-19, Our Metabolism & Our Orthopaedic Health

I noticed a strange phenomenon throughout the summer and into the fall and winter of 2020 during the COVID-19 Pandemic. My clinic usually deals with traumatic and nontraumatic orthopaedic problems. However, during much of 2020, there was a significant reduction in the...

Pain: Good, Bad or Other?

Whenever I think of the word “pain,” the first image that comes to mind, and I’m dating myself here, is that of Mr. T, who played Clubber Lane, the villain in Rocky III. When asked by a news reporter for a prediction of his upcoming fight with Rocky,...

What Ankle Fracture Treatment Is Right For You?

Ankle fractures are common. I discussed what they are, how they occur, and the symptoms of ankle fractures in previous posts. We will discuss ankle fracture treatment in this post.   There are two main types of ankle fracture treatment: Non-surgical and surgical...

Aging Happily And Healthfully

Everyone wants to age gracefully. Living to an old age, being financially and physically independent, and having lived a life well-lived, is on everyone’s bucket list. How to achieve all of this is way beyond my area of expertise. It involves focusing on many things...